21 februari 2008

The impact of unexpected events

Something quite unusual happened to me just now. I was on the subway, on my way home, thinking about...nothing, really. A guy sits down next to me. For a second he seems vaguely familiar, but nothing worth dwelling on, so I forget about it.
Then, a couple of minutes later, I hear a quiet "Ursäkta?".
I turn my head to look at him, and he asks me if I am *** from Uppsala? From Värmlands nation?

Oh my! I am!
So that's why he's familiar! I could never have guessed...
I can't recall his name, but I do remember who he is, in a way impossible to explain.
So we spend the next couple of minutes discussing what has happened since, where we live now and why, and what has happened to the people we knew back there.
Then, suddenly, I must get off the train.

Such a brief meeting, but so overwhelming. It makes me happy knowing I made an impression on someone, that I was remembered two years later by a person I worked with (or bossed around, more like it)...
It also makes me sad that I don't remember his name. Not that a name is particularly important, but still. It is something.

What has happened to all you people I once knew? Who remember me, and who don't? Whom do I remember, and whom not?

Somehow, I feel different from an hour ago.

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